Thursday, May 26, 2011

310/365 Your P90X Questions Answered

Friends and Fitness Enthusiasts,

I'm actually surprised I haven't written about this fitness program before. It's brought to you by Beach Body and features Tony Horton, creator of P90X. The secret behind it is "muscle confusion" which is really what I've been telling y'all all along. Change up your exercise so you don't get stuck in the same routine. Not only do the same exercises bore you, they bore your muscles too. Advertisements tout these crazy ripped bodies that were achieved using only a pull up bar and dumbbells. It seems nuts but if you follow the program, you will get the body.

A friend of mine, Dmytro, praises P90X up and down and has graduated from the program twice and has since moved on to the more intense offerings of Beach Body. The reason you can be successful with P90X is not a secret; all you have to do is stick to the program. As we all know, this is way easier said than done. An hour isn't a lot of time to commit to exercising but, because of the difficulty of the program, beginners aren't likely to stick with it. I know it's hard to stick to a routine. I know it's hard to stay on top of your diet every minute but if a "beach body" is what you really want, you have to put in the effort and discipline to get there.

People with gorgeous bodies didn't wake up that way, they had to earn it. P90X is a good option for you if you like workouts made for you, you don't have a lot of time, and you don't have access to a gym. The success of any 60, 90, etc. day plan usually rests on you, the user. You've got to dedicate yourself if you want to see the results. Are you willing to give up what you want now for what you want most?

In health,



  1. So Lauren, how do you get the motivation to consistently exercise? I always come up with a plan and I stick to it for a few days or weeks, but then I get sore, busy or it gets too hot/cold... and I fall off the wagon. I get bursts of motivation to DO IT this time, but how do you keep it up?

  2. This is super long and complicated answer. There are a lot of factors involved. I apologize for the length of my response.

    I think part of it is the career I've chosen. I feel like I couldn't give fitness, health, food, etc. advice if I myself wasn't keeping everything on lock.

    I also try to pay attention to my body, especially my emotions. Like why do I feel like crap? Why am I so antsy and can't sit still? Why do I feel awesome right now? When I take the time to think about it, those questions are usually answered by looking at the food I ate, whether I exercised or not, or whether I got enough sleep.

    I wasn't always like this. I think the conversion happened during college. When I would get back from running or exercising, I would feel totally energized and happy and excited. When I talked to friends, I noticed that my energy was way up and it made theirs high too. I like that feeling and I know now what I can do to make that happen. I'm not always on cloud nine though. Sometimes I feel crappy, bloated, content, or bored. If I look at myself and feel dissatisfied, I know that historically, running will make me feel good again. If I look and I feel fat or just not as sexy as I thought I was, I get down about it but then the next day I hit it hard because I don't like that feeling and I know I can change it.

    So that was long rant, sorry Jetta lol. But here it is, I get the motivation from being in touch with myself. Exercising is about looking good but more so it's about feeling good. I feel sexiest after I've worked out and have showered. I don't know, I just look better, healthy, and in turn feel better about myself. I think that keeps me going. Plus I have all the scholarly stuff to back up these feelings and I know the health benefits that come from it. I fall off the wagon too sometimes but I always get back on because this is my only body, I have to be good to it if I want to be around.

    We can chat more somehow if you want? Let me know!



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